Showreel Music Composing 3
Showreel Music Composing
Showreel Music Composing 2
Showreel Music Composing 1
Music of the show
“Supermagic” 2015
Music spot RAI
“Il Coraggio e l’ Avventura”
Music of the show
“Supermagic” 2015
Music of the spot TV RAI
"Il Coraggio e l' Avventura"
Music of the corporate movie clip for
“Veneto Bank Gr.”
Music of the corporate movie clip for "Veneto Bank Group"
Music of the TV program RAI
“Estate Indiretta”
Music of the TV program RAI “Estate Indiretta”
Music of the film 3D
Music of the film 3D “Undercolour”
Music logo of the
“Majster srl”
Music logo of the
“Majster srl”
Music of the theatre show
“All’ Ombra del Frassino”
Music of the theatre show
“All’ Ombra del Frassino”
Music of the theatre show
“La Notte dei Vivi Morenti”
Music of the theatre show
“La Notte dei Vivi Morenti”
Scrivi qualcosMusic of the theatre show
“Ora Vado di là e Metto la Testa nel Forno”
Music for the RAI for the “Olympic Game of Beijing 2008”
Music for the RAI for the
“World Cup South Africa 2010”
Music for online course of portuguese
“Impara il Portoghese”
Music of the theatre show
Music of the theatre show
“Una Notte d’ Estate”
Music movie for
“Europe Neighbourhood Info Centre”
Music of the short film
“Noi con Loro”
Music spot TV
Music show TV of RAI Explora
“Alla Scoperta del Cielo”
Music of the short film
“Noi con Loro”
Music trailer of the society
“Augustus Colour”
Full version music written for the "8Dio Scoring Sontest" 2018
Music spot TV
Music show TV of RAI Explora “Alla Scoperta del Cielo”
Soundtrack written for the "8Dio Scoring Sontest" 2019
Music trailer of the society “Augustus Colour”
Soundtrack written for the "8Dio Scoring Sontest" 2018
Soundtrack written for the "8Dio Scoring Sontest" 2019
Music cartoon for
“European N. Info Centre”
Music of the theatre show
“Ora Vado di là e Metto la Testa nel Forno”
Music used in the doc “Maldive Atolli Senza Tempo” of the show RAI “Kilimangiaro”
Soundtrack corporate trailer of
“CVD coop”
Music Logo
“Go To Podcast”
Music used in the doc
“Maldive Atolli senza Tempo” of the show RAI “Kilimangiaro”
Soundtrack corporate trailer of “CVD coop”
Music Logo
“Go To Podcast”
Soundtrack story clip "Origin" products by GoToPocast and based on the novel by Dan Brown
Music Trailer Story Clip "Il Vampiro della Foresta"
di Salgari
Soundtrack written for “Spitfire Scoring Contest” 2020
Music & Sound design logo
Music & Sound design logo
Soundtrack written for the “Spitfire Audio Scoring Contest” 2020
Music & Sound design logo
Music & Sound design logo
Music Trailer Story Clip
"Il Vampiro della Foresta"
di Emilio Salgari
Soundtrack story clip
based on the novel by Dan Brown
Soundtrack of spot video for Inside Finance.
Several Jingle e Music for many tv programs of satellite channels of Sitcom Group spa
Music for the animation film
Good Omens (ep.6)
realized by Skelligiri
Music for
UJAM contest 2023
Music for Christmas 2023,
sung by my niece (11 years old) and the talented Maria Grazia Biondo
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